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Don’t Ignore These Pain Symptoms

White Plains Hospital

June 1, 2020

Don’t Ignore These Pain Symptoms

Experts in the Emergency Department can ease your pain and put you on the road to recovery.

There are many different types of pain – how do you know which one requires urgent treatment? First, when in doubt, go to the Emergency Department (ED). Better safe than sorry. The highly skilled emergency team will evaluate you quickly and make sure you are sent on the right care path. Second, pay attention to these head-to-toe warning signs of a potentially serious condition, and get to the ED if you experience any of them:
Head Pain: If you have an acute onset headache or new onset headache, or suffered an injury to the head, or are feeling sudden, sharp pain – especially with other symptoms.

Jaw, Neck or Shoulder Pain: Sharp pain in your shoulder from a fall or injury could mean a broken bone or dislocation. Sudden pain that radiates to the jaw, neck or shoulder, or that is present on one or both sides of the body may be sign of a heart attack. Each of these scenarios requires immediate medical attention.

Chest Pain: Not all chest pain means a heart attack, but any type of chest pain requires evaluation to rule out an emergency condition.

Back Pain: New onset of back pain giving you trouble walking or moving, or weakness in legs can be an urgent health situation.

Abdominal Pain: Stomach discomfort that doesn’t go away or comes on more suddenly requires immediate treatment.

To find out more about emergency medical services at White Plains Hospital, contact us at (914) 681-1155.

In an emergency, always dial 9-1-1 first.

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