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My Doctor told me – to chill out!

Dr. Michael Zuckman, Internal Medicine

January 10, 2019

My Doctor told me – to chill out!

A sense of humor can go a long way to improving your overall health.

Stress is nothing to joke about but a little laughter can help. A sense of humor isn’t a cure-all but it can go a long way to improving your overall health.

A healthy laugh ...
• Stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles
• Increases healthy endorphins released by your brain
• Improves your immune system
• Soothes tensions
• Can relieve pain
So go ahead, give it a shot. Let’s hear your heartiest laugh.

Nothing funny?
“Have you heard the one about the doctor who told his patient to stop using Q-Tips?  It went in one ear and out the other.”

Remember, always keep a great big guffaw or at least a few giggles handy.   A little laughter will always do you good.

Dr. Michael Zuckman

Dr. Michael Zuckman is a specialist in internal medicine who has been practicing for over 30 years. For an appointment, call 914-849-7900.


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